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A Marine 's Request

Good morning family and friends:

On May 31, I am escorting Ruth Jones to DC on Honor Flight. This is the first all-female flight from Florida and we raised enough money to stay overnight. Day 1 we visit the memorials at the mall and Day 2 we visit the Women’s Memorial and changing of the guard at Tomb of Unknown Soldier where we will place a wreath.

On our return trip, we will have MAIL CALL. Mail call is an important part of a military person’s because it is the highlight of the day—receiving cards and letters from loved ones.

“My” vet is Ruth Jones. She’s 97 and a WWII WAC. She spent 2 years as a surgical technician. Ruth is amazing—she is in good health and quite humble even though she’ll be the oldest vet on the flight.

If you would be so kind to send her a card and thank her for her service, please. If you have kids or grandkids who will draw a picture or write a note, that would be appreciated.

This is a surprise!! The vets reread their cards and letters long after the honor flight.

Cards must be received by MAY 23, please.

Mail to:Ruth Jones M53

PO Box 1957

Lady Lake, FL 32158-1957

Thank you very much!! Carole

(L) Carole Bruce (R) Ruth Jones

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