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An Important, Impromptu Meeting.

Monday May 18th, 2020

18:00 hours

Place: Lake Miona Park, Oxford Florida.

A special meeting was held by the Detachment 1267 to conduct the installation of the newly elected detachment officers. Roughly, 20 plus members attended the affair to witness the official posting of the new officers.

Commandant Pratt opened the meeting, following modified procedures considering the necessity of safety for the members.

The Colors were posted and the opening prayer was given.

Some old business was discussed and some new business was brought before the attendees.

The last item of business for the meeting, was the official installation of the newly elected officers. This was overseen by the "Election Committee", Chaired by Honorary Past Department of Florida Commandant, Robert Beale - Past SE Div Vice Commandant, Jim Hackbarth, and Past Department of Florida Commandant, Lou Calleja.

The newly elected officers, were assembled before the members. They stood as Past SE Div Vice Commandant, Jim Hackbarth began to conduct the officer installation.

The newly elected officers, raised their right hand to be sworn in and take the oath

Attendees watched, and witnessed the installation of the newly elected officers.

Nathan Pratt,was sworn in, for his 3rd consecutive term, as

Commandant, Col. Phillip C. DeLong, Detachment #1267, Marine Corps League.

The meeting was closed following normal, yet modified meeting procedures.

Semper Fidelis.

Submitted by: Marine Mark Rhodes.

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