Because of the populace makeup of our community, the following events have been canceled.
This post will be updated as new information come in.
Posts will be listed Chronologically.
If you do not see an event listed here, please check the detachment calendar.
For more information on the particular virus please use the following link.
1. April 2-5, 2020 MCL DoF Conference (CANCELED) 20200319
From: Frank Glassford <> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:55:16 AM EDT Subject: Spring Conference CANCELLED
Due to conditions beyond our control and to protect the health of our members in the Department of Florida, the Board of Trustees of the Department of Florida has decided to CANCEL the Spring Conference in Safety Harbor for 2020.
All members must cancel their own reservations and their Conference Reservation fees, and Banquet costs will be returned by the Morris Dixon Detachment. Leadership School fees will be returned by the Department of Florida.
Semper Fi
Frank Glassford
Department of Florida
2. April 6th, 2020 MODD #335 Staff Growl (Phone Conference) 20200318
As Per Tom Newton
3. April 16th, 2020 Operation Helping Hands (VA-Tampa Florida) (CANCELED) 20200317
As Per the VA Hospital, Tampa
4. April 18 Detachment 1267 Picnic (CANCELED) 20200406
To All:
At a time when we all could probably benefit from a little social interaction and kick back a bit, the COVID-19 virus is knocking that possibility off the calendar this year. In keeping with national, state, and local directives, this year's picnic which was originally scheduled to be held on Saturday, April 18th, is hereby canceled. Unfortunately, not a postponement but a straight cancellation.
As Per Fred Geier, Leadership Scholarship Chairman
At this time, no one can predict where the current Covid-19 crisis is going or how long we will be in this no school, restricted travel, quarantine situation. We do know that currently all our recreation centers and meetings are closed or canceled.At best, any future schedule is now very tentative. In light of this situation and for the safety and wellbeing of all concerned, The Marine Corps League Colonel Phillip C. DeLong Detachment # 1267 is canceling the scheduled award presentation ceremony on 20 April 2020 at 7:00 PM at the Bacall Recreational Center, 2041 Canal Street in The Villages. As much as we would like to present the checks to each of the 2020 Leadership Scholarship recipients in front of our entire membership, we have decided to mail the award checks to each recipient instead. Each of the six 2020 Leadership Scholarship recipients, will receive a $1000 award check to assist them in their future endeavors.
Remember, this 2020 Leadership Scholarship is presented by The Marine Corps League Colonel Phillip C. DeLong Detachment # 1267 and should NOT be confused with other programs.We highly recommend that you also complete the Marine Corps League Scholarship Program application (both State and National) at www.MCLDOF.ORG(Scholarship fund) and www.MCLEAGUE.COM(under MCL Programs -- Then scholarships).
Semper Fidelis,
Fred Geier
Chairman, Leadership Scholarship Program
The Marine Corps League
Colonel Phillip C. DeLong Detachment # 1267
6. April 20th, 2020 Monthly MCL Det 1267 Meeting is (CANCELED) 20200406
To All:
Additionally, our regular monthly Detachment meeting scheduled for Monday, April 20th, is also canceled. The Board of Trustees is working behind the scenes to meet the Detachment's obligations and to keep things moving forward in a responsible and timely manner. An update will be posted on our website in the days following the next Board of Trustees meeting, to be held on Thursday, April 9th.
Finally, we are in the midst of a disastrous time, unprecedented since 1918. Hopefully, many of us will never have to experience this kind of catastrophe again in our lifetimes. But remember this, while we remain physically separated from one another, we stand united as members of a unique brotherhood, and I use this term to encompass one and all. If you or someone you know, as part of this special family, needs a helping hand during this most challenging time, please reach out. It's all about Marines Helping Marines.
Stay safe and be well.
Semper Fidelis, Nathan Pratt, Commandant, Col. Phillip C. Delong Det. 1267 Marine Corps League Prevention is preferable to cure...stay well.
7. April 20, 2020 Monthly Meeting of the MCLA is (CANCELED) 20200406
10. April 23 & 25 Leadership Scholarship 14th Couples Night Golf (CANCELED) 20200406
Although we are three weeks away, the prediction for April is not good. The 14th Annual Couples Night Golf Tournament is canceled.
At this time, no one can predict where the current Covid-19 crisis is going or how long we will be in this “stay at home,” restricted travel, quarantine situation.We do know that currently all our recreation centers and meetings are closed or canceled and things are slowly becoming more restricted. At best, any future schedule is now very tentative.In light of this situation, and for the safety and wellbeing of our Marine Corps League membership and our loyal supporters (most over 70 years old), we have cancelled this year’s tournament. My sincere apologies for making this tough decision as we all pray for this Covid-19 pandemic to pass.
Because of this pandemic, all participants are offered the following options:
A complete refund of entry fees paid
An opportunity to donate your PAID entry fees to the MCL Scholarship Fund
Please Email me with your desired option.
In the next few days, I will send out a “Silent Auction” sheet listing all of our donated prizes. Feel free to bid on any item listed. All proceeds will go directly into the Leadership Scholarship Fund.
Thank you for your understanding during these uncertain times. Please be safe!
Fred Geier
1. March 16th, 2020 MCL Detachment 1267 Monthly Meeting, (CANCELED) 20200314
After much deliberation, I think the wisest and most prudent course of action is to CANCEL our regular monthly meeting which was due to be held this coming Monday, March 16th, 2020.
As a result of our membership’s age group, I feel that any unnecessary exposure would put us all at additional risk.
We will continue to operate behind the scenes via email and telephone contact.
It is my wish that everyone and all your family members remain healthy and hopefully “dodge this bullet”.
Be well, Nathan
Semper Fidelis, Nathan Pratt Commandant, Col. Phillip C. Delong Det. 1267 Marine Corps League "MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR 2020"
2. March 16th, 2020 MCLA The Villages Unit Monthly Meeting, (CANCELED) 20200314
for March 16th, 2020 is hereby canceled.
3. March 17th 2020 St. Patricks Day Parade, (CANCELED) 20200314
is hereby canceled.
4A. March 20h, 2020 Memorial Service for Fred Frederiksen: (CANCELED): 20200319 10:30AM As Per Tom Ross, Guard Commander, "ALL" services for Fred Frederiksen are here by postponed until further notice.
Update: All services for Milton Frederiksen have been postponed to a later date due to the Coronavirus. Future date and information TBA. Please keep our family in your prayers. Thank you.
4B. March 20th, 2020 Celebration of Life for Fred Frederiksen (RESCHEDULED TBA)
AS Per Tom Ross, the following event is to be rescheduled... Time and place will be TBA at a latter date.
5. March 23, 2020 Color Guard Presentation @ Demshar's Restaurant. (CANCELED) As Per Tom Ross
6. March 24th, 2020 MCLA Ladies Luncheon (CANCELED) 20200317
AS Per Claudette, this event is canceled.
7. March 25th 2020 Color Guard Presentation, Villages Soccer Club (CANCELED) 20200316
As per the Guard Commandeer, Tom Ross, as of 20200316 15:08
The soccer game scheduled for March 25th, where we were to present Colors, has been suspended. It may be rescheduled for a future date.
Tom Ross MCL Color Guard Commander
8. March 25th, 2020 RED Shirt Sales, Lake Sumter Landing (CANCELED) 20200317
AS Per Claudette & Nathan, this event is canceled.
9A. March 26th, 2020 Guard Breakfast (CANCELED) 20200317
AS Per Tom Ross, this event is canceled.
9B. March 26th, 2020 Guard Practice (CANCELED) 20200317 AS Per Tom Ross, this event is canceled.
10. March 26th, 2020 MODD #335 Devil Dog Dinner (CANCELED) 20200318
As Per Tom Newton
11. S.E. Div Conference in Warner Robins is ( CANCELED). 20200319
March 26-29, 20202
12. March 28th, 2020 Color Presentation SECO Annual Meeting (CANCELED) 20200317
13. March 30th, 2020 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Service (CANCELED) 20200314
Monday, March 30⋅14:00 – 15:00
After consulting with the VA Clinic, we will be canceling our Monday, March 30th, pinning ceremony at the VA Clinic. Semper Fidelis, Lou Calleja Past DOF CmdtPast POF Leader Chairman, Vietnam Commemoration Committee 352-399-6628
14. March 31st, 2020 RED Shirt Sales, Texas Roadhouse (CANCELED) 20200317
AS Per Claudette & Nathan, this event is canceled.