Attention All Hands!
Commandant Ward has directed that Col. Phillip C. DeLong Detachment 1267 MCL will be starting a “good, clean ,clothing drive”. This is for the community people impacted as a result of the devastating tornadoes that hit on December 11, 2021, in Mayfield Kentucky and Dresden Tennessee.
Dresden is a small town of about 3000 residents. It is located 30 miles south of Mayfield KY.
Donations may be brought to detachment meetings, MODD Growls, or brought directly to my house. Cloths will be stored at an air conditioned garage at southern storage and delivered around Thanksgiving.
For more information on the impact of the devastation caused by the tornados, please click on the following links below.
Dresden TN before the storm.
Realtors (r) Relief Fund Video
Dresden TN, After the storm.
Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead Video
Surviving the tornado
Dresden TN EF -3 Tornado damage. Dec 10th Filmed Dec 13, 2021
First Responders Battle Burnout as tornado recovery wears on
Thank you for your support.
We are currently working with the local city and county officials to further along this project.
Clothing donations will be collect at the Toys for Tots warehouse in Fruitland Park, during normal business hours.
The total population of the county is around 33,000 people. The Veteran population in Weakley County, where Dresden is located, totals about 2,500 veterans. The bulk are Viet Nam veterans and the balance are veterans of Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Over 50% have Adult dependents in addition to young dependents.
Weakley County provides veterans resources for about 200 people comprised of a veteran and their family members.
Dresden (Weakley County) is located in an area that is an average 55 miles from 5 separate Marine Corps League Detachments.
The Closest being Jackson TN. (Capt Jack Holland #735)
As the bulk of governmental control operations for the tornado disaster relief has been returned to the Non Government Organizations, the biggest need will be through the Toys for Tots operations.
At this time, any clothing drive activities should focus on cold weather necessities.
Reports are that all debris has been removed and currently disposed of. All damaged home sites are cleared and should soon be ready for reconstruction.
Currently the highest desired donation are: Appliances, Monetary and Volunteer Workers
With colder weather right around the corner, it is predicted that coats and warm clothing will become a major need in the area. Please consider this in making your selections - donations.
For more information, please visit the following website.