The Villages Marine Corps League Detachment #1267 Leadership Scholarship Program has been extended to include Detachment #1267 family members. This Leadership Scholarship award is intended to provide academic assistance to those students who demonstrate sound leadership abilities and are Detachment #1267 family members. A qualifying Villages MCL member is a man or woman who is a regular or associate member of the Villages Colonel Phillip DeLong Detachment #1267 MCL in good standing.
They must be the parent (step-parent), spouse or grandparent of the person they intend to sponsor. No nieces, nephews or neighbors.
All applicants must have a MCL#1267 sponsor in good standing.
Any Senior Student in good standing who has demonstrated sound leadership and excelled in academics, community service, good citizenship, and patriotism as a member of the student body of their High School.
Acceptance letter (intent) to a two- or four-year institution of higher education.
Scholarship Amount
A scholarship will be awarded each year to a Senior Student(s) of a family member currently in the Villages MCL Detachment #1267 in the amount of at least $500.00 to be used towards the pursuit of higher education.
Complete application form. Do NOT skip any question.
Ensure your sponsor (an MCL#1267 member in good standing) gets ALL required signatures prior to final submission.
Answer all questions on Parts A & B.
All applications will be typed in 12 point font.
Do not make any changes to the application.
Complete the leadership essay in Part C using the format prescribed.
Letters of recommendation ARE NOT REQUIRED nor will they be considered.
Application must be postmarked by midnight Wednesday, February 13, 2019
All Scholarship Committee decisions are final.
The Scholarship Committee Chairman will notify applicants of AWARD or NON-AWARD by March 15, 2019
Attachments (please attach the following)
Letter of acceptance from a 2- to 4-year institution of higher education. If you do not have your letter of acceptance by the date this application is due, your Scholarship Coordinator can provide a letter of verification listing the schools you have applied to.
Application Submission
Completed application (and attachments) should be mailed to:
Col. Phillip Delong Detachment 1267
Marine Corps League Scholarship Committee
11962 CR101, Suite 302 (PMB# 112)
The Villages, FL 32162
Deadline: Application must be received by midnight Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Questions: For more information, please email
Fred Geier,,
call 352-751-2591.
Click here for the Leadership Scholarship Application