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Purple Heart / Agent Orange Recognition Ceremony

Location: Ocala Veterans Park

When: Saturday, Augest 12th, 10:00-11:00

(From the Ocala Veterans Park Website:)

Annually, National Purple Heart Day is August 7; Agent Orange Awareness Day is August 10. So as to maximize participation and attendance, we are combining these two events into one ceremony. The public is warmly invited to this joint ceremony honoring and remembering all who have been awarded the Purple Heart and those who have been affected by Agent Orange. Families/loved ones are encouraged to attend this event, which is sponsored by the Friends of Marion County Veterans Park Foundation. IMPORTANT: If you are a Purple Heart recipient OR you are a family member of a deceased Purple Heart recipient and plan on attending this event, we would like to recognize you at the ceremony. Additionally, if you are affected by Agent Orange OR you are a family member of a deceased Veteran who was affected by Agent Orange, we would like to recognize you at the ceremony. So we may accomplish the above, please call Todd at 352-342-1775 not later than Tuesday, August 8, 2023 to register your name/your Veteran's name. Alternately, you can email the information to and we will be in touch prior to event day. Thank you, in advance, for your anticipated attendance and participation at this ceremony!

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