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"The Guard" Carries On.

The face of Detachment 1267, maintains tradition & honor with pride.

It has been a busy year for the Col. Phillip C. DeLong, Detachment 1267, Color-Honor Guard, (The Guard). Beginning in January of 2019 and as of the Report Closing Date of 10/21/2019, the number of events this period thus far, is as follows:

Total Events, 87, comprised of the following: 27 funerals, 27 community events, (with nearly 20 more to go), 2 parades, of 3 annual parades per year, (St Patrick Day Parade, Heritage Day Parade, and the Christmas Parade). MCL Detachment 1267 Meetings, 9 of an average annual total of 12.

The total miles traveled and man hours put into all events equals the following: Total "Man Hours" 1073 hours, and total "Miles Traveled" 13,064. Of these "man hours and miles traveled The Guard volunteered at 6 of the Vietnam Commemoration events, for a total of 58.5 man hours, and 353 miles traveled. The Guard maintains their proficiency by conducting an annual average of 24 Training events. The Guard has completed 16 of the 24 scheduled training events to date.

Although The Guard has nearly 20 members, 10 Guard members rose to the call when needed. The Guard members who volunteered the most are as follows: Number one on the list is member David Sylvia, who attended 65 events. Second is Jack Boland with 58 events. Followed by Fred Fredricksen with 55 events. Next was Tom Ross who attended 52 events. After that was E. Cooper with 49 events. John Little who attended 47 events, and Neal Stapelton with 45 events. Following them is -Jerry White who attended 30 events, Mark Rhode with 25 events and Bruce Jones with 24 events.

The Guard Commander, Neil Stapleton and Assistant Guard Commander, Tom Ross, would like to thank ALL Guard members for their willingness to serve and selfless sacrifices throughout the year.


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