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Sign up for our detachment emails

This email distribution list is for "ACTIVE MEMBERS of the
Marine Corps League
Col. Phillip C. Delong
Detachment 1267 ONLY."

"If you are not a member of the detachment
in good standing,
you will not be approved."
You must provide all information requested.

Failing to do so will result in your request being denied.

This is very important,


We use various "sender" and "reply to" email addresses.  Sometimes, these email address can be filtered out by "your" email providers filters.  For us, those are referred to as "bounced" emails.  To overcome this, sometimes all you have to do is add "OUR" email addresses to your address book.  

(These email addresses will be listed below).


"White listing" is a term used to describe a similar process.  Each email service provider has a different process to "White-list" an email address, to make sure out emails get to you.  Contact your email provider to learn how to "White-List" our email address.




The following email address are what we use to send out our messages.



There will not be a reply to any email sent to this address.



This email address is used by the Detachment Communications Office with the intended use of interaction with the email recipient and the

"Comms" Office.



When we use this  email address, you will be replying directly to the detachment Commandant


This list maybe updated or changed with or without notice.



Click Here To Opt-In to the

Detachment Email System.



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