Please join us
Sunday, November 10, 2019
for the
244th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps!
We will be at
Brownwood Square in The Villages, Florida
3731 Meggison Rd (7.27 mi) The Villages, Florida 32163
Starting at 13:00 (1pm) till ??:??
Complimentary snacks & Happy Hour prices available!
Commandant's Birthday Message Video and Ceremonial Cake Cutting.
(Uniform Of the Day)
Light coat of oil, clean skivvies and spit shined shower shoes!
All Marines,
Navy Corpsmen & Chaplin's,
(young & old, on active duty or no longer on active duty),
friends, family and anyone willing to buy a round of drinks for us ALL, are invited.
Sea Stories and Bulls***, available upon request.
Posted under the authority of the Commandant,
Detachment 1267,
Col. Phillip C. DeLong,
Marine Corps League
Semper Fidelis