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2020 Detachment 1267 Nomination/Elections

Marine Robert Beale, Chairman, Nominations Committee has submitted the following After-Action Report, linked herein. 2020 Nominations After Action Report

Nathan Pratt, Commandant Col. Phillip DeLong Detachment 1267, MCL Subject: After-action Report - Nominations Chairman Sir Commandant: At noon (12:00 pm ) on Saturday, April 18, 2020, the Nominations Chairman closed all nominations for the offices of Commandant, Sr. Vice Commandant, Jr. Vice Commandant and Judge Advocate for the Phillip DeLong Detachment 1267, Department of Florida, MCL. (No nominations will be accepted after the time and date indicated above.) The following “Regular Members” who are in good standing, have been nominated and are willing to accept the duties and responsibilities to the best of their ability. Commandant: Nathan Pratt UNCONTESTED Sr. V. Commandant: Bill Ward UNCONTESTED Jr. V. Commandant: Nicholas Sucic UNCONTESTED Judge Advocate: Neil Stapleton UNCONTESTED In the event that only one (1) person is running for an elected office, The NEC, will follow National and Detachment 1267 By-Laws for an “UNCONTESTED” election for that office. The Nomination Chairman instructed the Acting Adjutant to cast a “unanimous ballot” for each of the newly elected officers for the Phillip DeLong Detachment 1267 for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Installation of newly elected offices will take place in May. Time and place to be determined. In behalf of the Marines of the Col. Phillip DeLong Det. 1267, I wish to congratulate our new officers and wish them a very successful tour of duty while serving in your respective offices. Please know that the Marines of this Detachment offer their assistance, large or small, in every way possible and to discharge our assignments cheerfully. Semper Fidelis. Respectfully Robert C. Beale Nominations Chairman


Marine Lou Calleja, Adjutant Pro-Tem, has submitted the following "Conduct of electronic nominations and election of Detachment Officers Minutes, linked herein. Elections Meeting Minutes.

To: General Membership of MCL Det. 1267 Fr: Temporary Detachment Adjutant Lou Calleja Subj: Conduct of electronic nominations and election of Detachment Officers Minutes. April 18, 2020 On Monday, April 13, 2020, Cmdt Nathan Pratt appointed Lou Calleja as the temporary Adjutant to record any additional nominations for elected office, from regular members of Detachment 1267 for the fiscal year 2020/2021. It was decided to conduct the nominations process by canvassing our membership via emails and by utilizing the detachment's website. On Tuesday, April 14, 2020, Webmaster Mark Rhodes developed a website nominations form, the form weblink was emailed to all regular members of the detachment. Nominations began on April 14 and ended at 1200 on April 18. No other submissions will be accepted. After the deadline of 1200 April 18, and receiving no additional nominations, the Adjutant was instructed, by the election/nomination chairman, Bob Beale to cast one vote for each office. Adjutant Lou Calleja, cast one vote for each office:

  • Nathan Pratt for Commandant

  • Bill Ward for Senior Vice Cmdt

  • Nicholas Sucic for Junior Vice Cmdt

  • Neil Stapleton for Judge Advocate

Installation of officers will take place in May 2020, time, and location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,

Lou Calleja

Temporary Adjutant


Congratulations to 2020-2021 Officers-Elect.

The Detachment has spoken. It will be official after we are sworn in next month.

Details TBA. 


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