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2023 Leadership Scholarship Applications, now being accepted.

The Marine Corps League, (MCL) Col. Phillip C. DeLong, Detachment #1267 (Det 1267), Leadership Scholarship Program (LSP), is please to announce the 2023 application is now posted on the website.

Leadership Scholarship Program web-page can be found by clicking the following link, for more information.

Or you can click the following link to open the application directly.

The Marine Corps League, (MCL) Col. Phillip C. DeLong, Detachment #1267 (Det 1267), Leadership Scholarship Program (LSP), has been extended to include Det 1267 family members. This Leadership Scholarship award is intended to provide academic assistance to those students who demonstrate sound leadership abilities and are Det 1267 family members. A qualifying MCL Det 1267 member is a man or woman who is a "regular" or "associate" member of the MCL Det 1267 in good standing. They must be the parent (step-parent), spouse or grandparent of the person they intend to sponsor. No nieces, nephews or neighbors.

The Leadership Scholarship Program, has assisted many future leaders.

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