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Updated: Jun 2, 2019

May 20, 2019

At the monthly meeting for May, as the final order of business, the proceeding paused. Commandant Pratt, invited into the room, the Marine Corps League Auxiliary (MCLA) The Villages Unit (TVU). The MCLA TVU, wanted to share their installment of officers with the members of the detachment. The podium was turned over to Past President Nancy Calleja assisted by Past President "Roz" Smith, to conducted the installation of their newly elected officers.

The following ladies were sworn into office. Rogene Hackbarth - President/ Karen Engle - Sr. Vice President/ Kathy Rogowski - Jr. Vice President/ Lynn LaBerge - Secretary/ Diane Camp - Treasurer/ Eva Reid - Chaplain/ Taeko Mincer - Captain-of-the-Guard/ Claudette Beale - Communications Officer.

Congratulations Ladies!

Immediately following the MCLA The Villages Unit ceremony, Commandant Pratt called upon detachment member and Past National Vice Commandant, South East Division, Jim Hackbarth, to officiate the installment of newly elected detachment 1267 officers.

Past National Vice Commandant, South East Division, Jim Hackbarth was assisted by Ceremonial Sgt-At-Arms, Past Commandant, Department of Florida & Past "Pack Leader" Lou Calleja. In accordance with procedures, the following officers were relieved and or re-appointed/ promoted.

Commandant Nathan Pratt, (Re-elected), Sr. Vice Commandant John Davies, (relieved), Jr Vice Commandant Bill Ward, (Promoted to Sr. Vice Commandant.)

Past National Vice Commandant, South East Division, Jim Hackbarth, then proceeded to swear in Nathan Pratt, as Commandant, for his 2nd term.

The Elected Officers are as follows:

Commandant - Nathan Pratt / Sr. Vice Commandant - Bill Ward / Jr. Vice Commandant - Marcus Fussell / Judge Advocate - Mike Stewart.

The Appointed Officials are as follows:

Adjutant - Vacant / Honor Detail Chaplin - David Silvia (Chaplin Pro-Tem) / Sgt-At-Arms (Pro-Tem(?)) & Color-Honor Guard Commander - Neil Stapelton / Multi Media Liaison - Mark Rhodes.

Congratulations to all elected and appointed officers and officials!

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