Submitted by: Lou Calleja

Dear Vietnam War Commemoration Partners,
On February 17 at 1000, we will host a pinning ceremony at American Legion Post 347. Major General Edward Chrystal, Commemoration Director, and Col. Patrick Cramer are coming to honor our VN veterans.
Today, I delivered nine large posters advertising this event to the AL. I just wanted to let you know that all materials ordered have been received. To date, 147 veterans have signed up and six surviving spouses. The American Legion anticipates 250 veterans. The Post will have hours-d-oeuvres, soft drinks, and Regie, they’ll have a cake. They may open their kitchen to purchase lunch; this is still in the works.
As we have previously, our committee will assist with the ceremony. I will invite all our Detachment members to attend. The Legion’s Color Guard will present the Colors.
Past committee member Curt Morgan has rejoined the committee.
Committee members will wear the MCL's undress uniform. Please let me know if you will be attending.
Semper Fidelis,
Lou Calleja
VN Commemoration Chairman