Although we are three weeks away, the prediction for April is not good. The 14th Annual Couples Night Golf Tournament is canceled.
At this time, no one can predict where the current Covid-19 crisis is going or how long we will be in this “stay at home,” restricted travel, quarantine situation.We do know that currently all our recreation centers and meetings are closed or canceled and things are slowly becoming more restricted. At best, any future schedule is now very tentative.In light of this situation, and for the safety and wellbeing of our Marine Corps League membership and our loyal supporters (most over 70 years old), we have cancelled this year’s tournament. My sincere apologies for making this tough decision as we all pray for this Covid-19 pandemic to pass.
Because of this pandemic, all participants are offered the following options:
A complete refund of entry fees paid
An opportunity to donate your PAID entry fees to the MCL Scholarship Fund
Please Email me with your desired option.
In the next few days, I will send out a “Silent Auction” sheet listing all of our donated prizes. Feel free to bid on any item listed. All proceeds will go directly into the Leadership Scholarship Fund.
Thank you for your understanding during these uncertain times. Please be safe!
Fred Geier