It is time to nominate candidates for the Detachment MARINE OF THE YEARand the Detachment ASSOCIATE OF THE YEAR! This year, you can nominate candidates for either award two ways: 1. You can reply to this EMAIL with your nomination and reasons why you believe the candidate should be considered for the award. Your responses will only be seen by Sr. Vice-Commandant Davies and will be printed and placed into a sealed envelope for presentation to the Committee Chairman, Fred Geier. 2. You can print the form below and write your reasons why you believe the candidate should be considered for the award. Place your nomination in a sealed envelope and give it to Fred Geier at the THANKSGIVING DINNER /or/mail your completed form to Fred Geier, 3360 Talley Ridge Drive, The Villages, FL, 32162. NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MOY Chairman Fred Geier BY FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2018. HERE IS THE INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE FOR NOMINATING AN INDIVIDUAL FOR EITHER OF THE AWARDS. ____DETACHMENT MARINE OF THE YEAR ___DETACHMENT ASSOCIATE MARINE OF THE YEAR (CHECK ONE) NAME:____________________________________________________ ELIGIBILITY: MOY/AMOY: Detachment Marines and FMF Corpsmen who are Members in Good Standing CRITERIA OF AWARD:Awarded to the Detachment Marine or FMF Corpsman who during the period of consideration has demonstrated by leadership and performance an extraordinary contributionto the Detachment, Marine Corps League, Community, and Nation. Whose personal conduct has reflected favorably on and has brought credit to the Detachment, Marine Corps League, and the United States Marine Corps Explain why are you nominating this person? (use additional sheets as necessary)
-- Sent by Sr Vice Commandant and Communications Officer John Davies, Marine Corps League Det #1267
