The MCL Detachment 1139,
PFC Samuel R. Wall,
is holding a
"Beat The Sheriff - Turkey Shoot"
at the
VFW Post 4252 in Hernando Florida, 34452.
(Phone 352-726-3339)
This will be held on
Saturday, October 12, 2019,
11:00 AM to 4:00PM
Cost to enter is $15:00 Per Person
Prizes are as follows
1St Place - Savage 12 Gauge Pump Shotgun.
2nd Place - 14 LB Turkey
3rd Place - 14 LB Ham
Proceeds Benefit:
Injured Warriors of Florida Inc,
Veteran Disaster Relief Fund of Florida,
and the Florida Scholarship Fund
Contact Commandant Ted Knight at: 240-346-6106
Paymaster, Roslyn Smith at: 352-212-2926
Lunch will be available for purchase.