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The Meaning of Memorial Day

Link Submitted by Past Commandant Nathan Pratt.

From the VVA website:

In 1868, the Grand Army of the Republic—an organization formed to recognize the brotherhood of American Civil War Veterans—designated the 30th day of May for “decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country” asking their members to “in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect.”

Their hope was that memorial services would continue every year as long as any “survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades.” The Grand Army of the Republic was dissolved in 1956, but their legacy continues in our annual recognition each Memorial Day.

Today, organizations like Vietnam Veterans of America serve an important role in maintaining the sacred tradition of commemorating, honoring, and remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice while defending our country.

This Memorial Day, VVA Leadership will be present at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for a ceremony of honor and remembrance, and thousands of communities across the country will host services and ceremonies. We invite you to learn more about other Memorial Day events hosted by VVA Members, Chapters, and State Councils across the nation.

This Memorial Day we join together in honoring the memories of those we have lost.

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