It’s crunch time!
T4T Golf Tournament is only 7 days away! Only 6 days away until we need to pick up golf carts. We need you. Don’t ask what the Det can do for you. Ask what can you do for the Det to make T4T successful!!!
MCL Det 1267 still requires 5 people for the AM flight at PAR3 and 5 for PM Flight. Plus we still need 3 more drivers to pick up and drop off golf carts.
Please contact John Ellis.
The golf cart pickup and return should not take more than one hour on Friday and one hour on Sunday. Golf cart volunteer drivers will have an opportunity to win a $50 Gift Card to Bonefish restaurant.
As for the Par 3's, morning and afternoon waves it will be approximately 5 hours each. Lunch will be served along with refreshments throughout the shift. We will try to make it as comfortable for the volunteers as possible.
So, in total, we need three more cart drivers to pick up the carts from Sumter Landing on Friday afternoon to be driven to Havana Country Club and those drivers will also be needed to return the carts from Havana Country Club back to Sumter Landing late Sunday morning. Five people are needed for each wave on the Par 3 holes, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. Both waves are a shotgun start teeing off at 0730 and 1230 respectively. Volunteer, or for further information, please contact our volunteer coordinator, John Ellis at 352- 259- 6786 or Email at je19585m@hotmail.com
Monday NIGHT MCL MEETING I will have sign up sheets on the Table- Please give your support
We welcome individuals or groups, NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS. Your participation would be greatly appreciated.
From Your "Royal" Friend, John Ellis AndCmdt Nathan Nealy, MCL Det 1267