Attached is informative information regarding the up-coming 2021 Department of Florida Convention—JUNE 10…13, 2021 The 75th Anniversary of the Department of Florida Marine Corps League will be celebrated/commemorated during this Convention. Please convey this information to ALL members in your Detachment/Pound/Unit… any means possible. It is extremely important that all MCL and MCLA Members receive this Convention information. The 2021 Department of Florida Convention Packet containing Registration Form for both MCL and AUX, Banquet RSVP Form, MODD/Flea Luncheon RSVP Form, Convention Book Ad Submission Form, PDP Registration Form, the Convention Schedule and much more can be found on the DoF website at: Please be advised there will be several “Email Blasts” over the next several weeks leading up to the Convention….ALL are important. If you have any questions regarding the 2021 DOF MCL Convention, please do not hesitate to contact me
Semper Fi, Stay Safe, Stay Well, Trisha Marsh Dept of FL MCL 2018-2021 Convention Chair 2020 Dept of FL Associate of the Year "acting" Historian
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