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2020 Emergency Plan for Elections and Installations MCL League Detachments

Effective Period: 1 April 2020 to 1 August 2020

Marine Corps League National Headquarters (MCLHQ) has issued guidance for detachments "Emergency Election Procedures (EEP). Attached herein is the downloadable PDF document from MCLHQ EEP This document will also be found in the Admin S-1, Detachment Operational Files.

The following Emergency Election Procedures (EEP) have been reviewed by a Special Meeting the National Board of Trustees with a quorum present and were approved on 1 April 2020. These procedures for electing and installing officers will not affect the detachments that have already submitted their Report of Officer Installation (ROI) for the 2020 fiscal year. All others are in various stages of nominating, electing or installing their officers. Remember, if there is time to hold a Detachment meeting before the time period ends as required by the National Bylaws, an election can still be held normally, IF SANCTIONS OF MEETINGS ARE LIFTED BEFORE THAT TIME. By a majority vote, the National BOT hereby authorizes the Detachment’s Board of Trustees to extend the term of office for the detachment’s elected officers, for one additional year if the term was set to expire before 15 July 2020 and the officer election has not occurred. This option must be approved by majority vote of approval by the Detachment’s regular members in good standings. Installation process and ROI’s still required. It is important to note that the procedures in this EPP appear lengthy, however, these are the procedures that your detachment follows in your election and installation process now. What has been added are procedures to follow for setting up conference calling and using email and texting instead of voices usually heard in your detachment meeting. Let’s get through this emergency together and keep our members safe. The following is your options:

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