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Information from DOD on the COVID-19 Virus

The following is forwarded on from the Commandant Detachemnt 1267, via, District Vice Commandant, via MCL DoF Commandant, via David L. Nokes, Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs/Community Engagement, The Pentagon.

Subject: MSO/VSO Update on DoD COVID-19 Response: March 18 Good morning,I wanted to provide a few updates on the DoD response to COVID-19.1) Attached is a media fact sheet that was provided to the Pentagon Press Corps earlier today.  We plan to produce this product each day during this emergency situation and I will send them to you as they are produced so that you can be equally informed.2) Yesterday, Secretary Esper briefed the press on DoD's response, in which he provided important updates.  A transcript of his briefing, including the Q&A is available on the Defense website at: Among his messages, he made the following statement:  "I recognize our decisions impact service members and their families, and I want them to know that we're all in this together.  If we can dramatically reduce the spread of the virus over the next 15 days, together, we can help restore public health and the economy and hasten a return to our normal way of life.  As circumstances evolve over the coming days and weeks, we will continue to take every necessary precaution to protect our forces, to safeguard our national security capabilities and to support the president's whole-of-government fight against this virus.  These are DOD's priorities, and we remain focused on them."3)  Yesterday afternoon, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) released an advisory titled: "TRANSCOM Guidance for Personnel Affected by DOD Stop Move."  The release may be found at this link: Finally, the Defense Health System released the attached fact sheet regarding the TRICARE Pharmacy benefit during the COVID-19 response and a fact sheet about containing community spread of COVID-19 within the military community.Best wishes to all and thank you for all you are doing to support and protect our military community during this difficult time.As a reminder, all current DoD information and policies regarding COVID-19 are published on the DoD website at:  TRICARE information for Military Health System beneficiaries is found at this link:

Please stay healthy.

V/r, David

David L. Nokes Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense

for Public Affairs/Community Engagement The Pentagon

Attached for download is the DoD COVID-19 Update for March 18th, 2020



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