Attached is the complete 2024 DOF MCL Convention Packet
The "zip" file folder contains ten [10] documents with important Convention information, along with "fillable" Forms for your convenience.
Information and "fillable" Forms will also be available on the Department of Florida MCL
District Vice Commandants please forward this email to your respective Detachments.
Detachment Commandants, Auxiliary Unit Presidents, MODD PoundKeepers please forward this email
to your Members.
The Hilton “link” to make your guestroom reservation is indicated below:
There is also an 800 number indicated in the Convention Packet to call and make your hotel reservation.
Be sure to use code "DOFMC24" when making your reservation.
If you have any problems making your hotel reservation, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Thank you for your assistance in "getting the word out" about the upcoming exciting
Department of Florida MCL annual Convention--JUNE 6…9, 2024
Semper Fi,
Trisha Marsh
Department of FL Marine Corps League
2020 Dept of FL Associate of the Year
2018-2021; 2023--2024 Convention Chair
2023--2024 Dept of FL Historian