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A Christmas Message From Commandant Ward

At this joyous time of year we are drawn to thoughts of loved ones and gratitude for all of our blessings.

And while we mourn the loss of many family and friends this past year, let us not forget to be thankful for those who remain.

We in our detachment and auxiliary have accomplished much this year. We have aided veterans, thousands of children, service animals, the homeless, and individuals in need.

Next year promises to be even greater. So as we go our individual ways for the holidays, let us all realize that while we all have our individual families for whom we are grateful, our organization is also family... and for this I am most thankful. Happy Holidays and please be safe in your travels.

Semper Fidelis

Bill Ward

Commandant, Det 1267

Charles Crist


Marc Dunn


Neil Stapleton

Judge Adv.

Nathan Pratt

Jr. Past Commandant

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